Many dentists who want to further their career can now take DHTI online dental courses, saving on time, travel and expenses compared to attending the more traditional residential courses.

Expand your skills and study in your own time with our online dental courses.

Replay or review your postgraduate training again and again with our dental courses, online.
Our most popular courses are available as online blended, as well as the residential format.
Some prefer regular visits throughout the academic year, but a growing number like the flexibility, freedom and cost savings that online learning can give them.
You can watch the videos and supporting material on any device, and the forum acts as an online community for clinical discussion and questions, where you have access to Dominic as well as like-minded students.
The quality of the video presentations is exceptional with excellent audio visual. You can experience the quality from Dominic’s free training videos.
Practical aspects of the course are then covered in a 5-day hands-on session to complete your certification. If you do not need the certification, you can just do the online course if that suits your lifestyle better.
Our residential courses are continually increasing in popularity too, so it seems many of you want to still learn in this way, but there has also been an increasing trend to online learning, and the online blended format has had an amazing response.

PG Certificate – Online
Contemporary Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry
Modular: Academic plus Hands-on
It counts as credits towards the Diploma and MSc University of Kent.
ONLINE COURSE - 8 daysFind Out More
Clinical Occlusion & TMD – Online
Logical and practical approach to understanding Occlusion Comprehensive, modular course
ONLINE COURSE - 3 daysFind Out More
Advanced PG Cert – Online Blended
Contemporary Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry Modular: Academic including Hands-on Leading to PG Diploma
ONLINE BLENDED COURSE - 7 days online, 6 days hands-onFind Out More
Q PG Cert in Contemporary Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry : online blended vs residential
For the residential courses you must attend thirteen separate lecture days throughout the year. The online blended course has online lectures for the academic part, and a five day hands-on session throughout various times in the year to practice what you have learnt. The theory is identical for either method of learning you choose, just organised and presented in a slightly different way.
Q Does the online blended course get the same academic credentials as the residential course?
The certificate at the end of the online blended course will be the same as the “traditional” course. Also the verifiable CPD is accumulated as you progress through the Contemporary Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry Certificate course and will also be the same.
Q Why did you start doing online blended courses?
The way we live our lives has been changing rapidly, and our learning habits have been changing too. The traditional classroom environment is still right for many of our postgraduate students, but a growing number prefer the flexibility and freedom that this learning method gives.
Q Is there an examination?
There are no essays. There are MCQs to be answered at the end on each module, for all online dental courses.
Q Can I just take the online education?
Yes you can and will obtain a certificate of attendance along with verifiable CPD.
Q What about if I want to ask a question?
You get support in various ways throughout the online courses, and the forum acts as a community where you have access to Dominic as well as like-minded students.
Q How is the online dental training organised?
The dental education we provide online, is organised into modules and lessons making it very easy to follow.
Q Do I have to watch the video lectures on my desktop?
You can download and watch the videos on any device, and there is downloadable supporting material too.
Q What is the video quality?
The video presentations are exceptional with excellent audio visual. You can experience the quality on the website.